I used the summer of 2022 to determine our studio core values. These are core to my life, to our school, and to the students and parents in our studio.
Wisdom, Integrity, and Transparency.
I hope that manifestations of these values are already evident, but they will continue to be represented in the work we do this semester. I plan to lean into these values with my full being. They are, literally, our core.
I can use these values to stay on course– to make sure I am staying true to our studio culture. I can use these values to re-center, to re-evaluate, and to reconcile.
It is just as important for me to acknowledge what is not on this list. Excellence, competitiveness, adherence, speed, profit, and an infinity of other objectives. Other studios will have other values, some noble and some vain, but our studio has these particular values.
Wisdom, Integrity, and Transparency.
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